1. Describe your first day at school that you remember

You should say:

what you remember and when it was

how you felt about it

where the school was

why you remember this day

Sample Answer

To be honest, my memories are too scattered 'cause it's been a while since my first day of school. But I do remember some of the things that happened to me during that day.

I woke up early that morning and couldn't wait to put on my new school uniform. I remember my mom helping me put on my backpack, which was filled with all sorts of new school supplies.

We walked to the school, which was just a few blocks away from our house. I remember being a little nervous, but mostly I was just excited to finally be going to school like all the big kids.

When we got to school, I remember lining up in the playground with all the other kids. I remember feeling a little overwhelmed by all the new faces and all the noise. Plus, I was a little scared 'cause it was the first time that I was away from my parents for an extended period of time. During the day, I remember doing all sorts of fun things like learning alphabet and playing with blocks. I remember being so proud of myself when I was able to write my name for the first time. I still remember that day so clearly because it was the start of my formal education and it was a really exciting time for me. It was the start of my new journey.