1. Work or Study

1. Do you work or are you a student?

What work do you do? What subjects are you studying?

Currently, I'm in my senior year of high school. And I'm graduating this year. Now I'm working hard in order to get passing grades 'cause I'm planning to study abroad. I want to major in Journalism 'cause I've always had a strong passion for writing, and I don't see myself doing anything else. And there's a great two-year diploma Journalism program at Seneca college in Canada. So if everything is ok, 9 months from now I'll be studying there. And hopefully not online.

2. Why did you choose that job?

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Why did you choose that job?

Well, I guess the primary reason why I decided to pursue a career in Finance was that I really loved Math's at school as I was always good at numbers. And because of this, I thought it was the only possible choice I could make. So it wasn't a tough decision. And, thank God, I have never regretted it.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Back in the day when I was a high school student, I had an idea that I might like to do something related to fashion, but my parents insisted on my choosing Accounting. Frankly, I wish I hadn't listened to them as I don't really enjoy being an accountant.

3. Do you like your job?

Is there anything you dislike about your job?

Do you like your job?

Yeah I do. What I love the most about my job is that it never gets boring. Mainly because I have an opportunity to take on new challenges all the time, which I really like. In fact, the more challenging the task or the project, the more I like it. You know, if I could do the work with my eyes closed, I swear I would die of boredom, and I would quit my job even though it pays really well. So every time my boss gives me a new challenging task, I feel totally psyched. You know, there is just something beautiful about encountering obstacles and finding ways to overcome them. And then every time I finish a difficult project or task successfully, I feel like I'm flying. My confidence skyrockets and I feel proud of myself, which helps me grow both professionally and personally, and expand my comfort zone.

What do you dislike about your job?

The only thing I don't like is too much responsibility. You know, I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. And it's exhausting. Of course, when I chose this job, I knew what I was getting into, but now I'm feeling so overwhelmed that I just wanna stop and shake my shoulders to get rid of this burden.

4. What do you like about your studies?

I will probably sound a bit nerdy, but I'm happy that school provides me with an opportunity to acquire knowledge about things I didn't know before. I guess that most subjects, we are taught, will help us to succeed in the future. So I never miss lessons and complete all the assignments on time.

5. What do you dislike about your studies?

As a high school student, I can safely say that I dislike school very strongly mainly because the teachers pile so much work onto us that we hardly get 5 hours of sleep a night during an average school week. You see, no matter when I go to bed, I have to wake up early because my classes usually start at 8 am. To top it off, most subjects are boring and irrelevant to our future careers. So it causes a lot of stress, making me and my fellow students reluctant to study.

6. What was your dream job when you were young?

Oh, when I was younger, I wanted to either become a CEO of a big company or be self-employed. I was really sure that this would bring me an adequate remuneration and, as a result, a sense of satisfaction. What is more, I understood that I was good at problem-solving and managing people, could take on responsibility and work under pressure, which was very important for pursuing such careers.

7. Have you changed your mind on your dream job?

Well, on the whole, 'no' as this is what I still dream about. However, now I realize that there are quite a lot of things in this career which I didn't think about at a younger age, for example, the fact that working under pressure is robbing people of their life, taking them from their families and pushing them to participate in the rat race in order to get recognition and good money.
