10. Person you met at a party

Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed talking with

You should say:

what party it was

who this person is

what you talked about

why you enjoyed talking to this person

Sample Answer

It was a Friday night and I was at a friend's birthday party. The party was held at a local bar and there were a lot of people there, most of whom I didn't know. I was feeling a little nervous, as I usually do at social gatherings, but I was determined to enjoy myself.

As I was standing by the bar, sipping on my drink, I noticed a person standing alone in a corner. He looked a little out of place and I could tell he was feeling just as nervous as I was. I decided to strike up a conversation him. As I approached him, I introduced myself and asked him how he was enjoying the party. He smiled and said his name was John. We started talking and I was surprised to find that we had a lot in common. We talked about our jobs, our hobbies, and our shared love for traveling. He had just come back from a trip to Japan and he was telling me about all the amazing places he had visited. I found it fascinating and I was so interested in his story. We talked for hours, it felt like time flew h and before I knew it, the party was com an end. I was sad to see him go, but he g me his number and we agreed to meet up again. I enjoyed talking to John so much' was interesting, and smart, and he had a great sense of humor.
