11. Place for studying

Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study

You should say:

where it was

when you went there

what you studied there

who you went with

why you liked to study there

Sample Answer

When I was a student, by far the best place for studying was a coffee shop near my school. Many people may say that coffee shops are busy, noisy places where you can barely hear yourself think, but they are not so noisy as everyone thinks. At least, when I was there, I could easily focus on what I was reading or writing, and, funnily enough, there were a lot fewer distractions than at home, for example.

To tell the truth, I didn't like studying in a room and I needed a little more noise an ambience. So I went there almost every dav after classes even when I didn't have to together with my classmates. Thank Get together with my classmates. Thank God, my parents gave me enough pocket money, so I could afford to spend some time there. I went there to do research on different topics, prepare presentations, solve problem sets in Physics, Chemistry and Maths, do project assignments for various courses, review notes from lectures, read the assigned texts. The only thing that I couldn't do there was writing essays. This was the only activity that I preferred doing in a quiet room. The main reason why that environment suits me perfectly were that, first of all, I liked to eat and drink while studying. It kind of things to me be more productive. I could have delicious coffee with some food. When I studied at home, I had to cook myself. That made me take breaks very frequently. As a result, I had to interrupt my studying process. And the problem about it was that once I got distracted, it took about 20 minutes to return to the original task no matter how hard or easy the task was. Secondly, I could use wifi for free, which was very important doing research. Finally, this place was great for group stud sessions. I remember we had to comple group assignments almost every week, inviting so many people to my place was out of question. My parents didn't like when so was making too much noise at home.
