13. Complaint you made

Describe a complaint you made and you were satisfied with the results

You should say:

when it happened

who you complained to

what you complained about

why you were satisfied with the results

Just a couple of months ago I had to buy a new laptop because my old one was freezing every 5 seconds, which drove me mad. At first, I wanted to find a suitable one online, but I was overwhelmed by the number of options available. In the end, I decided to go to a reputable electronics store as I wasn't ready to throw money away and buy the first thing I saw online. So I went to the store. The shop assistant listened to me really carefully and quickly helped find the right solution for my individual needs, not just sold me something because that 'something' would pay him more. Unfortunately, the laptop I'd chosen appeared to be out of stock, so he said he would contact other branches to find the model I wanted. He said this would take a day or two. Of course, I agreed to wait a bit. I asked the shop assistant to keep me updated in order to understand whether I would get the laptop or have to find it elsewhere

However, I had been kept totally in the dark about what the situation was like for about a week until I contacted the shop's customer support service myself and complained about it.

A customer service manager listened to me very carefully. Then she sincerely apologized for the trouble I had to experience with the company and promised to deal with this issue as quickly as humanly possible. The manager called me back within 30 minutes and to' me about what had happened. She pron I would get my order the following day. I u. get it. Also, the company offered me a bir discount, which was very nice. Several days later she called me again to make sure everything was ok. This way, she let me know that she hadn't forgotten about me. It may not sound like much, but it really made me feel valued as a customer. And I really appreciated that
