14. Advertisement you didn't like

Describe an advertisement you didn't like

You should say:

what product or service it advertised

what type of advertisement it was

when and where you saw it

why you didn't like it

As I scoured YouTube for something to watch, I finally came across the perfect video. I hit play and eagerly prepared to dive into the content. But instead, my screen was bombarded with an advertisement for an online game called World of Warships.

It was one of those annoying ads that you couldn't skip, and it played automatically. The ad featured a bunch of flashy graphics and explosions, and it looked like the game was all about blowing stuff up. I'm not really into that kind of thing, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But then, the ad started playing more and more frequently, and it was like it was following me everywhere I went. I saw it on other websites, on my phone, even on my TV. It was like it was haunting me.

I started to get really annoyed by the ad, and it wasn't just because it was popping up everywhere. It was also the content of the ad itself. I felt like it was glorifying war and violence, and it made me uncomfortable. I don't like the idea of people playing a game where they're pretending to blow each other up.

So, I don't like the World of Warships ad. And it's not just because it's annoying and everywhere, but also because I feel like it's promoting something that I don't agree with. I wish it would just go away and stop haunting me
