15. News, Information

1.Is it good to share something on social media?

Definitely. Sharing your personal news on social media can be a great way to keep your friends and family informed and connected, especially if you have a large network of people you want to share the news with 'cause, first of all, you share your personal news with a wide network of people in one go, rather than having to personally tell each person individually. This can save a lot of time and effort, and also ensures that everyone is kept in the loop. Plus, social media platforms are easily accessible from anywhere and can be used at any time, which makes it easy for people to access your news and stay updated even if they are not physically with you. Many social media platforms allow for commenting and messaging, which means that you can receive instant feedback on your news. Finally, social media can be a great way to keep track of your personal milestones and memories. I mean, when you share personal news on social media, you're also creating a digital record of it. This can be a great way to look back on special moments in the future and see how people responded to it.

2. Should the media publish only good news?

No. I don't think so. I'm convinced that the media has a responsibility to inform the public and to provide accurate and reliable information. Publishing only good news would not be fulfilling this responsibility. Additionally, good news and bad news can both be informative in different ways. Good news can provide inspiration, hope, and a sense of accomplishment, while bad news can alert people to potential dangers and inform them about issues that need to be addressed. For example, reporting on crime, poverty, and social injustice can help people understand the scope of these problems and the ways in which they affect their community. Also, bad news can serve as a catalyst for change and progress. For example, reporting on issues like poverty, racial discrimination, or environmental degradation can help mobilize individuals and organizations to take action and work towards solutions.

3. What do you think of news on social media?

How does social media help people access information?

Well, I think that it's one of the best and most convenient ways of getting the news these days as, first of all, social media lets people get news much faster than they used to, and, secondly, it provides people with the latest and most up-to-date news at any time of the day and even at night without having to wait for the following day's newspaper or newscast. What is more, social media lets people have links to various online sources of information which, in turn, lets them not only view the news with just a few clicks of a mouse, but also build a complete picture of what has happened. So, my attitude to news on social media is more than positive.

4. What kind of good news do people often share in the community?

People in a community often share good news about a variety of topics. One common type of good news is related to personal achievements, such as getting a new job, promotion, or completing a challenging project. These types of accomplishments are often celebrated by family, friends, and colleagues alike, and can be a source of inspiration and motivation for others in the community. Another type of good news that is often shared is related to positive events or developments in the community itself. For example, this could include news about a new community center opening up, a successful fundraiser for a local charity, or a new park being built. These types of developments can bring people together and foster a sense of pride and connection to the community. In addition to personal achievements and community developments, people often share good news related to health and wellness. What I mean is news about a successful surgery or treatment, a fitness milestone, or overcoming a health challenge. Sharing these types of stories can be encouraging for others who may be facing similar struggles, and can also help to raise awareness about important health issues. Finally, people often share good news related to their relationships and social connections., for instance, news about getting engaged or married, welcoming a new baby, or rekindling an old friendship. These types of stories can be heartwarming and uplifting, and can help to strengthen the bonds between members of the community. Overall, people in a community often share a wide range of good news, from personal achievements to community developments, health and wellness, and relationships. By sharing these stories, people can inspire and support one another, and build a stronger, more connected community

5. When do people share good news?

When do people share good news? Oh, I guess, people share good news, first of all, when emotions are running high and they want the world to know how happy they are and want to spread their happiness, joy and positive experiences around. Also, this happens when people want to thank those who believed in them because sometimes it's so important to be pushed and feel supported as usually so many dreams die without approval and belief of significant people. Sometimes people share good news to give hope to people who strive for the same but either doubt or don't believe it can be achieved. And, of course, there are also cases when people break good news to others just because they want to boast or make somebody jealous of their achievements.
