16. City

Describe a city where you'd like to stay for a short time

You should say:

what city it is

who you will go there with

what you will do there

why you will stay there only for a short time

Well, I'm planning to spend some time in Barcelona in the near future. I visited the city a couple of years ago and really enjoyed my experience there. Since then, I've been wanting to go back and stay for longer than just a few days. However, I'm not sure if I'm ready to live in Barcelona permanently. I think I'm too young to settle down. To be honest, right now the word 'settle' puts me into a cold sweat. I'm still searching for a perfect place to live, work and raise a family. And because of this, to travel and see different parts of the w before I find a place I will be willing to connect to. Who knows? In the end, after having tried out a number of options, I might want to return to Barcelona and put down roots there 'cause it really is one the best places I've ever been to.

it's is a huge and bustling city, which I like a lot. There's always so much to do and see. I mean It's so large that if you view the city from a tall building, you get the feeling that it doesn't end. At the same time, it's compact. You know, I don't want to feel like a pebble of sand in the big ocean. So the fact that it's nowhere as big as New York appeals to me great Plus, it's the most walkable city of all. You can literally walk for days and still have some new to see. And I'm a keen walker. So I will walk, try local food, visit famous attractions, do some shopping, and explore job opportunities.
