17. Making noise

1.Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?

I don't think so 'cause making noise is a natural part of their development and expression. However, excessive noise can be disruptive in certain settings, and it's important to be mindful of others' needs for a peaceful and quiet environment. For example, in public spaces like parks or playgrounds, children's noise levels are expected and acceptable, as these areas are designated for play and fun. But in places like restaurants, libraries, or hospitals, excessive noise can be disturbing and disruptive to other patrons or patients trying to enjoy their meals or rest. Moreover, in schools or classrooms, children should be taught to keep their noise levels to a minimum to ensure a productive learning environment and respect for the learning process of other children. Teachers may use noise as part of their teaching strategies, but it should be balanced with the need for a quiet and peaceful classroom. In addition, it's important to consider the impact of noise on the environment and wildlife. Loud noise can have negative effects on the environment and children should be taught to be mindful of the impact their noise levels have on it. In conclusion, children should be allowed to express themselves and have fun, but it's crucial to find a balance between self-expression and respect for others' needs for a peaceful and quiet environment. Parents, caregivers, and children should be aware of the noise levels they produce and adjust accordingly in different settings to respect others.

2.What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

We are surrounded by different sounds both indoors and outdoors. My typical day starts with the sound of boiling water as I can't imagine my morning without a cup of coffee. Every single day I'm accompanied by roaring engines, slammed doors, mouse clicking and constantly ringing phones.

3.Where is there louder noise, in cities or in the countryside?

Are cities becoming noisier?

Yeah, the level of noise is getting higher and higher. In fact, it is so high that it is now regarded a type of environmental pollution. This is because nowadays cities are more crowded than in the past, which means that there's much more traffic on roads. There are more people talking everywhere. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention air conditioning equipment which is one of the biggest parts of all ambient noise in today's cities.

4.Do you mind noises?

Do any noises bother you?

How do people usually respond to noises in your country?

I would say I'm pretty tolerant to noises when I'm not asleep as I've learned to cut out the unwanted ones. But when I am about to fall asleep, I become very sensitive to any kind of noise, and nearly anything can make me irritated. Sometimes I toss and turn throughout the night just because I hear the muffled sound of slammed doors in the flat next door.

Do any noises bother you?

There's no worse noise than scraping chalk on a blackboard. You know, many cafes stil' such boards as an advertising medium. I see them, I can't help imagining the way this information was written down. And even " thought of it makes me feel sick.
