17. Noisy Place

Describe a time you went to a noisy place

You should say:

what place it was

when you went there

who you went with

what people do there

why you liked or disliked it

Several years ago I was on holiday in X country. The tour guide recommended me to go to the city's traditional market, which is one of the oldest markets in X, always abuzz with local people and holidaymakers who go there to buy spices, fruit, clothing, souvenirs, handicrafts, fabrics, to name but a few.

As I arrived at the market, I was immediately struck by the noise. The market was teeming with people, it was just like a bee hive. The were vendors shouting to attract customer music playing, and people talking and negotiating prices.

As I walked through the market, I heard a loud noise and turned to see a vendor using a megaphone. The sound was so loud that it was overwhelming and I could feel a ringing in my ears, like I was at a concert. I tried to get away from the noise as fast as I could, but it seemed to follow me no matter where I went.

I walked through the rows of stalls, taking in the sights and smells of the fresh produce and handmade crafts. I stopped to chat with some of the vendors and learned about their pro and where they were from. I eventually f stall that sold handmade pottery and decide. to buy a small vase as a gift for a friend. The vendor and I negotiated the price, and I paid for the vase using some of the local currency I had exchanged before my trip.

Overall, I really enjoyed my visit to the noisy market. It was a vibrant, exciting place full of interesting people and products. In my opinion, the noise was sometimes unbearable, but it was definitely a key part of the market's energy and atmosphere. And the sounds of the market were overwhelming at first, but I quickly became accustomed to the noise and began to enjoy the lively atmosphere. Now I can s say that it's by far the noisiest place I had visited.
