18. person you like to work or study with

Describe a person you like to work or study with

You should say:

who this person is

how long you worked or studied together

what you did together

why you liked to work or study with this person

Well, if I were asked to nominate a candidate for the Best Workmate Award, I would definitely choose my colleague Ann. If I'm not mistaken, next year we'll have been working closely together for 5 years.

Sometimes I think I spend more time with her than with my husband and children as we do almost all the tasks together. We make reports, launch projects, negotiate with our customers and partners. To tell the truth, she is the first and only person that I work in total harmony with.

First of all, she's really patient. I have a very short fuse, so I lose temper easily when something goes wrong, whereas she stays calm no matter what. For this reason, I sometimes ask her to speak with difficult customers or suppliers. I mean those who don't want to make a compromise. Also, she's great at problem-solving. Whatever the problem, she always comes up with brilliant solutions. Oh... And I nearly forgot... when I'm ill or when I'm on a business trip, she covers for me. If it weren't for Ann, anytime I had to miss a couple d the office, whether it be for personal reason vacation, or an illness, I would get stressed out as I would worry about the emails I'm missing, the meetings I had to cancel, and I would think about the hours it would take me to get caught up. Ann picks my workload and helps me avoid this vicious circle by stepping in to lend a helping hand when and where she can. She's easily the best co-worker I've ever had.
