27. Photography

1. What is the difference between living in the city and in the countryside?

What are the features of living in the countryside?

In my opinion, living in the countryside is different from living in the city mainly because of how many people are around, and this affects a lot of other things. First of all, in the countryside, lower population densities mean people literally have more space to themselves and more room to breathe. People usually have larger yards, gardens, and sometimes even have their own farms. In cities, there's not a lot of space to go around, so people usually have to live in smaller homes. Apartments and condominiums are more common in cities, where residents typically live in close proximity to each other. Secondly, cities are more noisy and crowded, with lots of cars and construction work happening all the time. In contrast, living in the countryside means there are fewer people around, so it's generally quieter and more peaceful. There's less traffic and noise pollution, which makes for a calmer and more serene living environment. In the countryside, since there are fewer people living in the area, the community tends to be closer and more connected. People often know each other personally and spend more time interacting with one another. In cities, the larger population and higher population density can make it more challenging for people to connect on a personal level. Finally, the population density in cities can contribute to a higher environmental footprint, including increased energy consumption, waste generation, and pollution levels. The lower population density in the countryside generally means a reduced environmental impact, with more green spaces and a closer connection to nature.

2. Why do many people move to the countryside?

why do some people prefer to live in the countryside?

Well, I think this happens, first of all, because the normalization of working from home makes it easier for people to move to a location they like without worrying about being too far away from their workplace. But there is more than one reason why they want to live in the countryside. The primary reason for this is all those challenges people face living in cities. I mean traffic, pollution, noise, crowding and crime. Together, they make people feel stressed and tired. By contrast, the countryside lets them enjoy peace and solitude, and closeness to nature helps them combat feelings of stress and anxiety, which makes them feel calmer and happier. The final reason is that a rural lifestyle is healthier in comparison with a city lifestyle as the countryside provides people with a safe environment, clean air and water as well as with abundance of space for all kinds of physical activities.

3. How do schools teach students to grow plants?

Oh, I don't know for sure but I guess they do it either by showing kids pictures of different stages of plant growing and telling them about different plants, their importance and their needs, or by involving kids in taking care of a school garden, if they have one, showing them how to sow seeds, set up supports and pick the pods and making kids responsible for different activities such as watering the plants in dry weather or pulling weeds.
