2. School library today and 5 years ago

Sample Answer,

The given development chart depicts the information about the layout of a school library changed over a period of five years.

Having a myopic look, it is clear that, a recording studio has been constructed to replace the classroom area. While the meeting room remains in the same place after five years, the space for the borrowing and returning desk has been separated into 2 different rooms.In the center of the library, more private studying tables have been set up for students to study.

Furthermore, there were two areas for book shelves in the north and south of the library five years ago; however, the one in the south as well as the desk for computers on the eastern side of the room has been converted into desks for student’s laptops. Next to this it is noticeable that the library office has been removed to make way for a new conference room.

Overall,a lot of changes have been observed in the given time period.