2. US government spending money on research between 1980 and 2008.

Sample Answer,

The given line graph depicts the information about the U.S government’s expenditure on research in five fields(Health, Space, Energy, General Science and Other) over the period from 1980 to 20

Having a myopic look, it is clear that In 1980 US authority spent $8 billion in health however, the government expenditure on research into Health slightly droppedover the next four years before continually rising again to a peak of nearly $25 billion in 2004. The amount of money utilized on researching General Science however was the lowest of allresearch categories, beginning at $2.5 billion in 1980 and rising to just over $5 billion by 2008.

Furthermore, declining back down to approximately $18 billion in 2008, expenditure on Health research was by far thehighest. There was also an increase in the money that was spent on research into Energy and Space,from approximately $5 billion and $6 billion in 1980 to around $7.5 billion and $9 billion in 2008.

Overall, the US government spent the largest amount of money on research intoHealth while the least amount of money was spent on researching General Science.