The diagram below shows the process of recycling bottles.

The given process chart depicts the information about how glass bottles are recycled.

Having a myopic look, it is clear that, In the initial stage, all glass bottles are being stored in collection points from where they are picked up and delivered by trucks to a cleaning plant. Here, the bottles are washed with high pressure water, and hen sorted according to color and then prepared for the following stages.

Furthermore, the clean and sorted bottles are then transferred to a recycling plant, where they are melted in a special glass furnace to turn the glass into liquid form new glass bottles. Finally, the new bottles are ready to be used and sent to super markets where they will be purchased and used by customers, thereby completing the process.

Overall, each and every step is important as, buying, using and discarding of new plastic products and ending with newly recycled product and none of them can be missed out.