20. Website you often visit

Describe a useful website that you visit

You should say:

what the website is

how you first found out about this website

how often you visit it

why you like it

The only website that I visit literally every day is Facebook. I have to say that now I visit it whenever I have a spare moment. Some years ago I didn't have the slightest inkling of what Facebook was. even though many of my friends had already started using it. And, frankly speaking, I didn't want to sign up for a long time. But one of my tech-savvy friends bombarded me with links to register so that, in the end, I even started feeling an overwhelming desire to do so.

It was not until I started using facebook that I realized how much I had been missing out on my life as it offered a flurry of benefits to enjoy. Initially it was set up solely as a social network just to help people get hold of friends but it gradually became an epicenter of all kinds of human activity, be it in the sphere of business, education or entertainment.

For one thing, were it not for this website, I would still have to arrange face-to-face meetings to stay up to speed with what my friends are doing. Now all the updates are posted to their feed; therefore both tracking down old friends and renewing long-forgotten friendships do not seem as challenging a task as it used to be due to the fact that some of them may not have phones, but all of them do have internet-enabled devices and their online status indicator icons never stop blinking even in the depth of night.

More importantly, an opportunity to increase my business's efficiency and expand clientele absolutely free of charge is what I consider by far the greatest benefit of using this website. The information about my company's services can be disseminated in the blink of an eye, just at a click of a button. And target audience is global.

Besides, I can do social good every day. When I cannot donate to those who are in need on the score of pecuniary problems, I can do my bit, making numerous reposts.
