20. Art

Do you like modern art or traditional art?

Personally, I'm more of a fan of modern art. I love how it breaks away from traditional forms and conventions and allows for personal interpretation and emotional connection. The themes it explores, like identity, mortality, and the human experience, really resonate with me.

Do you like art?

Oh yeah, I do as I always have that warming feeling when I look at artworks. It's so interesting for me to figure out the hidden symbolism that artworks portray. What is more, art helps me forget about my worries as the moment I indulge deep into the artwork my thoughts and emotions change for the better.

Do you like art?

Well, I'd just say that I don't care about it. It's so boring for me to look at all these works of art that I just try to avoid it.

Have you ever visited an art gallery?

Of course, I have. I'd even say l've done it a million times. L actually do it every time 1 visit a new city as art is a remarkable mode of depicting culture, and it's just impossible, to my mind, to get an accurate picture of a new place without looking at its artworks

Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?

Yeah, I have a landscape painting on the wall in my room as landscapes always inspire me and construe a certain mood and emotion. What is more, paintings fnish the room helping me create a space that reflects my identity. Frankly speaking, I can't imagine my room without a painting any more.

Have you ever had art classes?

Oh yeah, I did when I was a child. It even seems to me that all kids in my childhood did it irrespective of whether they liked it or not. I was lucky to enjoy expressing myself through visual art and now recall those days with a smile on my face. By the way, I can still draw something when I'm in the mood for that.

Did you like art classes at school?

Oh yeah, I did as enjoyed expressing myself through visual art and really wanted to learn to paint. By the way, it was easy enough for me to do it as our school art classes were lots of fun, which motivated me to commit myself to practicing and stick to it until I succeeded

Do you think it would be interesting for you to be an artist?

Well, it actually could be quite interesting for me to be an artist as įt's my passion to create beauty through art. Art definitely inspires me and I guess creative work could give my life some special meaning. So, yeah, I would enjoy doing the work of an artist, I think.

Do you think it would be interesting for you to be an artist?

Oh no, I know exactly that it wouldn't as l'm not interested in art at all. And to make matters worse, L have no artistic talent. So, this job is definitely not my cup of tea,