22. Difficult thing you did

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work or study that you felt proud of

You should say:

what the task was

how you completed it

why the task was difficult

why you were proud of the completion of the task

Last year, our company decided to start using CRM software because my boss finally realized that in the age of big data the company had to move beyond the sticky notes, EXCEL spreadsheets and disorganized filing cabinets, and start using advanced organizational technology that can track sales, locate trends, automate many of the interactions that occur in the company on a daily basis and, what's important, make that data available across departments.

But the company is not so big, and therefore it doesn't have a dedicated technical support department. So we had to make a software implementation plan ourselves. Five of us teamed up to work on this project. And my boss asked me to take the lead on it.

At first, we wanted to find the right CRM solution for our company's needs. I made a list of CRM vendors, and each team member had to evaluate at least one CRM system. There all worked together to plan and manage implementation schedule, provide employee, training, and ensure a smooth transition for our employees.

As a team lead, I was responsible for making sure team members were productive, the project remained within budget, and deadlines were met. Also, I had to organize training sessions, weekly webinars, and blog posts that all employees of our company could access if and when they needed help or guidance

It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. First of all, I had a hard time motivating people to work overtime because we couldn't ignore our everyday work duties. Plus, I faced resistance from many employees in our company 'cause their first thought was that the new software would be too difficult to learn, or it would disrupt their comfort levels, or even replace their jobs. But I was immensely proud because my boss entrusted me with such a critical task, and I successfully handled it despite have prior experience.
