22. Success, goals

1. How would you define success?

In general, how do people judge or, assess the success of others?

Well, I guess it depends on people. Some of them assess the success of others by looking at how much money they have or what they have achieved. Others do it by looking at who they are surrounded by or what they feel about who they are. I also know people who judge the success of others by how they meet life's challenges, what personal growth they have achieved or what differences they make in their everyday life. So, it heavily relies on people and their life values.

2.Are successful people often lonely?

What do people need to sacrifice for success?

I'm afraid so. And, in my opinion, there are several reasons for this. First of all, to be successful in any industry, a person has to be nothing short of exceptional, which, in most cases, means putting everything else aside to focus on their goal. For example, instead of spending the night partying with friends, successful people or those who want to become successful will work on an important project all by themselves. Usually they are loaded with so much work that they have to miss their children's special days or family get-togethers. Eventually, this can alienate them from their family and friends. So people DO have to sacrifice a lot to finally reach the point where they really want to be. Plus, successful people are usually misunderstood by the majority of people around them. If a person is leading a non-conventional, non 9-5 life, they are most probably accumulating unique experiences. So it may be hard for them to become close to people 'cause they don't have shared experiences which are the lifeblood of any relationship. Finally, successful people often choose to spend time on their own 'cause they need so-called 'thinking time' to develop solutions to business problems and build their future.

3.Why do people set goals?

Why should people set goals for themselves?

Well, they say 'If a person doesn't know to which port they are sailing, no wind is favourable'. This means people must have an idea of where they wish to go. Without it, they are just adrift. What's more, setting goals motivates people and drives them forward, giving them clarity on what they ultimately want, thereby helping them channel their efforts properly. So, the reason why people set goals is that they want to achieve their highest potential and ensure they get the best out of life.
