23. Learning something,skills

1.What practical skills can young people teach old people?

What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?

In my opinion, young people can teach old people a variety of practical skills, depending on their interests and abilities. First of all, many young people are very comfortable with technology and may be able to teach older people how to use smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices. They can also show older people how to navigate online platforms, do online shopping and other internet-based activities. Plus, young people can teach old people how to use social media platforms to stay connected with others and to stay up-to-date on current events, how to use apps, for example, fitness apps or equipment to stay active and healthy, and messengers to communicate with family and friends.And, of course, younger people can teach seniors to use modern kitchen equipment and utensils such as a slow cooker or coffee machine

2.How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?

Well, when it comes to learning something new, there are a few key strategies that can help us achieve our goals and approach the process with confidence. Firstly, we should assess our current knowledge of the subject to determine what specific areas we need to focus on. Then, we should determine our learning style, whether it be visual, auditory, or another type, and seek out resources that cater to our style. It's important to start with the basics to build a solid foundation and work our way up to more complex concepts. We shouldn't be afraid to ask questions or seek help from others, such as a teacher, mentor, or peer, to clarify our understanding. Finally, we should embrace the process of experimentation and making mistakes. The more we experiment and try new things, the more we'll learn and grow. So, we should approach learning with an open mind and a willingness to continuously seek out new information and opportunities for growth.

3.Do you think 'showing' is a better way than 'telling' in education?

Absolutely. As the old adage goes: a picture is worth a thousand words. I mean, when teachers 'show' something, they provide students with a hands-on, visual, or experiential learning opportunity, which allows students to actively engage with the material, make connections, and construct their own understanding. For example, if a teacher is trying to teach students about photosynthesis, instead of just telling them about the process, the teacher could show them by setting up a demonstration using live plants, or taking the class on a field trip to a greenhouse; this would allow students to see the process in action and make connections between what they are learning in class and the real world. Plus, students can absorb the information faster and more easily than if they were just reading or listening to a verbal explanation.For instance, when a teacher is teaching students about a historical event, instead of just telling them about it, the teacher could use primary sources such as letters, diary entries, or photographs to give students a firsthand look into the event, which can help them better understand the context and significance. Overall, 'showing' is a much better way than 'telling' in education because it can make the material more memorable and meaningful.

4.What skills can younger people learn from older people?

Well, to my mind, older people can teach younger people the most important life lessons and skills because they are a source of wise words and sage advice as they have been through some harsh times and know what really matters in life. For example, they can teach the young how to cook, knit, do laundry, iron clothes and even how to fix things instead of replacing them because they know that in some life situations the skills to do things with your own hands will really matter. And, of course, they can help young people with getting the hang of such skills as making a budget or saving for something as well as such skills as weighing out the pros and cons of a decision and resolving conflicts because they've done it plenty of times during their life and know how to do it successfully.

5.Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn something?

Yeah, a lot of people in my country are into watching videos to learn new things because videos can be more engaging and interactive than reading text. One reason for this is that videos provide multiple forms of information, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cues. First of all, a visual representation of the information being taught, such as images, diagrams, and animations help to make the material more memorable and easier to understand. For example, a video tutorial on a math concept can use diagrams to show the steps of a problem, making it easier for the viewer to understand the process. A cooking tutorial video can show the viewer the exact measurements and techniques needed to prepare a dish, whereas a written recipe may not provide the same level of detail or instruction. Auditory cues, such as music, sound effects, and voiceovers, can also the engagement of the video. For instance, a video on a historical event can use background music to create a sense of atmosphere and tension, making the material more immersive. A video on learning a foreign language can show the speaker how to pronounce words and phrases correctly, along with subtitles, making it easier for the viewer to learn the correct pronunciation. Kinesthetic cues, such as movement and gestures, can also be used in videos to help engage the viewer. For example, a video on Yoga or dance can provide a demonstration of the postures and movements, allowing the viewer to follow along and practice the movements correctly. Additionally, videos can provide an emotional engagement, by showing real-life scenarios, reenactments, or testimonials of people, which can help to create a personal connection with the viewer, making the material more rel and interesting. And I can't help mention fact that videos can often convey informa..... in a shorter amount of time than text, mal it a more efficient way to learn.
