
What do you do in your spare time?

What do you usually do at weekends?

What did you do last weekend?

Well, it largely depends on whether I'm tired or not. lf I had a hard working week, I usually sleep in and then stay in bed for half a day doing_ absolutely nothing or at least nothing that involves much brainwork. Then I may either read a book or surf the Net. If I don't feel like a squeezed lemon, I like meeting friends We usually either walk in the park or go to the cafe to drink coffee and chatWell, it largely depends on whether I'm tired or not. lf I had a hard working week, I usually sleep in and then stay in bed for half a day doing_ absolutely nothing or at least nothing that involves much brainwork. Then I may either read a book or surf the Net. If I don't feel like a squeezed lemon, I like meeting friends We usually either walk in the park or go to the cafe to drink coffee and chat

Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?

I believe it's not just important, but essential to have enough rest during the weekend because we aren't robots and our brain and body cannot work nonstop maintaining the same levels of productivity. If you don't get enough rest, the only likely outcome is a burnout. So weekends serve as a so-called system reboot after which you will feel rested and energetic and therefore satisfied with your life

‣ What is your least favourite day of the week?

You know, I just really dislike Mondays 'cause 1 always have a really hard time getting back into the weekly grind after a relaxing weekend. Plus, on Mondays, traffic seems to be at its worst, so the morning commute is a nightmare,

What's your favourite day of the week?

Oh, if I had to pick a favorite day of the week, no doubt it would be Friday. You know, there's just something about the vibe on Fridays that makes me feel so good. Everyone's in a better mood 'cause Fridays are usually a little more relaxed than the rest of the workweek. And the main reason why I love Fridays is that it's the start of the weekend