22. Staying up

What were you doing when you stayed up late last time?

Oh, last Sunday I promised myself to go to bed before midnight, but 1 binge-watched the entire season of Wednesday, and went to bed at 4 am.

How do you feel in the morning after staying up late?

‣ You know, I'm like a_zombie the next day. I drink coffee nonstop, but it doesn't usually help a lot. And this overcast feeling follows me until nighttime

‣ Actually it doesn't matter when I go to bed, I always feel restless in the mornings. And it's always difficult for me...almost impossible.. to get out of bed,

‣ For the most part, I wake up refreshed as I try not to stay up late. know myself very well. If went to bed late, I would feel drowsy and hate myself the whole next day,

Do you go to sleep early or stay up late?

Well, I normally go to bed at about 10 p.m. as I believe there's no point sacrificing _sleep for other activities. No matter how important they might seem, the benefits of doing them will not outweigh the harm sleep deprivation will do to my health.