25.Decision, learning something new

At what age can children make decisions on their own?

Oh, I'd say kids can make decisions on their own at any age if it happens in a controlled setting with their parents as their guides or if it happens when parents see that their kids demonstrate maturity and readiness to make decisions relevant to their daily experience.What I mean is that children can make their own decisions when they are ready to make choices without their parents' help and are able to understand the information, use it to weigh the pros and cons and effectively communicate their decision defending their reasoning. So, I'd say age is not what it's about.

What is the most popular thing to learn nowadays?

Currently, the most in-demand skills include artificial intelligence, machine learning, web development, data science, cybersecurity, and digital marketing. These fields are growing fast, and organizations are eager to find people who can help them leverage technology and stay ahead of the curve. In addition to these tech-focused subjects, cloud computing and blockchain are also growing in popularity. These technologies are helping businesses improve their operations and keep sensitive data safe. Another trend that's been gaining steam is language learning. People are recognizing the benefits of speaking multiple languages and are eager to learn. And last but not least, personal development and growth is a big focus for many people these days. Mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection are all popular practices that are helping people improve their mental and emotional wellbeing So, whether people are looking to get al their career or just want toget ahead in improve their life, there's a lot they can learn and explore.

Do young people take their parents' advice on choosing a major?

I think it depends on the individual and their relationship with their parents. Some young people may value their parents' opinions highly and may take their advice seriously when it comes to choosing a major. They may believe that their parents have their best interests at heart and want to help them succeed. On the other hand, some young people may actively resist their parents' influence and may choose a major that goes against their parents' wishes. They may feel a need to assert their independence or may simply have different interests or values than their parents. In my opinion, seeking multiple sources of advice can be beneficial when it comes to making such an important decision. Young people may consider seeking advice from friends, mentors, or academic advisors in addition to their parents. This way, they can consid different perspectives and make a more informed decision.Ultimately, however, the decision about which major to choose is a personal one, and young people may prioritize their own interests, values, and career goals above any external advice. So I'm positive that while parents can be an important source of guidance, some young people may be more receptive to their advice than others. Factors such as the individual's relationship with their parents, personal motivations and goals, and seeking multiple sources of advice can all play a role in the decision-making process.

Why do some people prefer to study alone?

I think that there are various reasons why some individuals prefer to study alone. Firstly, studying alone can help to eliminate distractions and improve concentration, as there are no interruptions from others. This can lead to a more productive and effective learning experience. Additionally, studying alone allows one to have complete control over their study environment, including factors such as lighting and noise level, which can enhance the learning experience further. Furthermore, people have different learning styles, and some may find that studying alone aligns better with their preferred approach. For example, visual learners may prefer to create their own diagrams or charts, which can be challenging in a group setting. Studying alone also offers greater flexibility in terms of scheduling, location, and pace, which can be beneficial for individuals with busy or unpredictable schedules. Another advantage of studying alone is that it can reduce anxiety and stress levels. People who work independently may feel less pressure and can learn at their own pace without worrying about how others perceive their work or performance. For those who find group work challenging or stressful, studying alone can provide a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for learning. Ultimately, the decision to study alone or with others should depend on an individual's personal preferences, learning style, and specific needs and goals.