23. Music and musical instruments

Have you ever learnt to play a musical instrument?

Yes, I have. When I was a kid I attended music school for several years. I tried playing several musical instruments such as the piano, the drums and the guitar but eventually I opted for the piano and I still can play several classical music pieces like The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi or On the Beautiful Blue Danube by Johann Strauss.

Is music an important subject at school in your country?

Unfortunately music isn't considered to be an important subject at school in practice but it is of primary importance at its core cause musical training_helps develop language and reasoning, maths and pattern recognition skills. What is more, it builds imagination and intellectual curiosity, develops spatial intelligence and teaches kids discipline.

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

I am a music lover so I enjoy listening to different kinds of music because any music be it classical, electronic or pop creates some feelings in my soul. Moreover, different kinds of music influence me in different ways, for example classical music lessens depression whereas rock music evokes strong memories

What kinds of music are most popular in your country?

I think people in my country mostly enjoy pop and rock. Pop music appeals to people with its catchy melodies and lyrics while rock is liked simply because it provides soundtracks fr'ice experiences, motivates people and energize them.

When did you start listening to that type of music?

I started listening to pop music at a very early age, I guess I was around 5 or 6 years old. This catchy and easy-listening music tempted me and l just couldn't help listening to it. As far as rock is concerned, I fell in love with it in my early twenties after 1 heard the Rolling Stones 'Paint it black'

Do you often listen to music?

It seems I listen to it all the time. I do it while working, driving a car, spending time on the Internet, walking down the street, working out, cooking and even lying around. So yeah, I can say that I listen to music my entire day.

When do you listen to music?

Well, I would say I listen to music whenever I can but I mostly do it when I am out of work and have free time though sometimes I turn on music at work when I need to focus on so important task

How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

I guess I spend about 70 percent of my time listening to music. I listen to it my entire day while working, walking, driving a car, cooking, surfing the Internet. So yeah I guess at least 70 percent of my day

How do you feel when you listen to it?

I feel elated when I listen to the music I like. I just melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. It makes me relieved, pumped up and really blissful.

Do you like listening to songs?

I am not a music fan. I don't like it in the background, especially when studying or reading. I do not really listen to music recreationally. I almost never listen to music,

‣ Definitely !do. I enjoy listening to songs because they bring up specific memories, serve inspiration in my daily life and sometimes even provide the boost I need to meet a challenge

Have you ever been to a musical performance or concert?

I Yeah, plenty of times. I'm really into concerts You know, nothing compares to the energy of live music when everyone is lost in the melody and there's kind of connection between you and artists. Everyone around you is singing and dancing and nobody considers you weird.

Did you often listen to music when you were a child?

‣ Surely I did. I can even say that music and rhythm were a part of my childhood. They helped me express my emotions and channel energy in creative direction. Sometimes I even think that music was my everything when I was a kid,

Do you like listening to music at work?

‣ Oh yeah, I do as music gives me an escape Do you like listening to music at work? from the realms of the tiring routine refreshes my_mind and, as a result, increases my productivity. It also aids my concentration by suppressing distractions around the office and helps me think in new creative ways. I even can't imagine what I would do if I couldn't listen to music while working,

Do people prefer to buy CDs or download music online?

Well, I think the majority of people prefer to download music online as they can do it instantly using_price comparison websites to save money and selecting which tracks to download. Though, there are, of course, people who prefer to buy CDs either doing it out of sheer habit or because of a better sound quality.