24. Films

Do you like to watch films?

Oh yeah, I do as movies always give me thrilling experience by taking me to places quite different from my routine surroundings. They allow me to experience the situations 1 wouldn't normally experience and this way broaden my perspective and open my eves to new wonders

Do you like to watch films?

Well, no, as it happens so that whenever 1 have a couple of spare hours I give my_preference to reading a book.

What kinds of movies do you like best?

Well, I guess action films for sure. They attract me with their non-stop motion, spectacular rhythm and_pacing. What's more, 1 like their two-dimensional 'good guy' heroes battling 'bad guys' as the age-old struggle between good and evil is always interesting. Another kind of movies that 1 like is drama. I think 1 like it so much because of realistic characters, settings and life situations. And, of course, I cannot fail to mention comedies. I like them for their light-hearted plots which amuse and provoke laughter.

How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

Well, I go to a cinema every time there is a new release. My friends call me a movie freak but 1 just enjoy watching films on the big_screen and getting_pulled into the sound and colour in a way that can't be felt at home

Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film?

I guess yes as there are always a lot of people at the cinema. Cinemas are in great demand as they let people focus on the movie and not get distracted, which people value. What's more, it's a good way to spend time out.

What was the first film that you watched?

Oh, Lcan't recall it, to my regret, but this m have been some movie for kids like `'Home alone' or some Walt Disney animated film Sleeping Beauty or The Little Mermaid".

Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

Do you like to go to the cinema with your friends?

Personally I like to watch films alone as I get to watch exactly what I want. What's more, it's a kind of the ultimate 'me time' with no conversations and other distractions.

Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

Oh, foreign movies, no doubt. They show me a different view of the world and give me more of a glimpse into the human experience. What is more, they are of a better quality than the films made in my country. So, my preference is always given to foreign films.

Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

Well, I always give my preference to films made in my country as they always have an interesting storyline and it's hard to guess what is waiting for me at the end. What is more, I like our actors and actresses and enjoy watching movies they star in.