26. Friends

Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with others?

Why do some people NOT like to socialise?

Many people may be unwilling to have conversations due to a variety of reasons. In my opinion, the main reason why people may be reluctant to engage in a conversation is a lack of common interests. If people don't have common interests, they may be less likely to initiate a conversation because they do not have much to talk about. Someone may be unwilling to have a conversation simply because they are not interested in the topic or the person they are talking to. One more common reason is a lack of trust. I mean someone may be unwilling to have a conversation if they do not trust the person they are talking to. They may be afraid of being taken advantage of or of sharing personal information.Some people are naturally introverted and may not feel as comfortable initiating conversations with others as extroverted people do. People who lack confidence may also struggle to initiate conversations because they doubt their ability to hold a conversation or make a good impression. Plus, they may be afraid of being judged or rejected. Another possible reason is past negative experiences. For example, someone who was bullied or rejected in the past may be less likely to initiate conversations with others. Depression, a lack of social skills, a language barrier and cultural differences, shyness and preoccupation with something else can all contribute to a reluctance to initiate conversations.

Does technological development have a negative impact on communication among people?

On the one hand, today's technology is weakening communication skills because using technology has lead to a number of devastating effects such as social isolation because of a lack of contact with other people in normal daily living. People text instead of making a call, or text instead of talking in person. As a result, more and more people are losing their ability to communicate. Some people have trouble even initiating a face-to-face conversation, because it is always done through a text message. Others don't know what it means to listen to another person without interrupting them. On the other hand, if it weren't for technology, it would be hard, or even impossible, for people who live in different countries to communicate with each other. And even people living in the same city would communicate less if they could take advantage of technology. So, teacher does help busy people keep in touch with their. friends, relatives or colleagues.

What positive and negative effects do mobile phones have on friendship?

Do you think technology unites or separates people?

On the one hand, and it's obvious, smartphones make it easier to keep in touch with friends, and therefore they help you keep connected with your friends no matter how far apart you are. You can text your friends, make video calls any time you want. You can disclose any personal information and respond to others in their social networks. However, smartphones, originally designed as a communication tool, actually hinder rather than foster interpersonal connectedness. Unfortunately, there are many situations in which you ignore friends in favor of a mobile phone. For example, you feel the quick buzz of our phone and feel compelled to see what's happening, even if that means turning your attention away from other people. When you are on your phone, you are not looking at other people and not reading their facial expressions, tears in their eyes, frowns, smiles. You don't hear the nuances in their tone of voice, or notice their body posture. For example, I used to have a friend who checked her phone so much when we were together that I finally told her she had to choose me or her phone. Also, there are many situations in which you are mindlessly scrolling through the latest news or playing a game, instead of chatting with your friends. But giving your time, energy, thought, and attention to your smartphone instead of the person you're with is gradually ruining your friendships 'cause your friends may feel ignored and pushed away. I'll tell you more, just having a phone out and present during a conversation (say, on the table between you) interferes with the sense of connection to the other person and the quality of the conversation. This phenomenon is especially the case during meaningful conversations.