25. Doing sports

> What kinds of exercises do you do?

Well, I mainly do aerobic exercises such as running or swimming in order to improve my cardiovascular fitness and increase endurance and pilates or yoga exercises to improve my flexibility, build muscle strength and perfect my posture.

> What kinds of exercises are popular in your country?

Oh, I think aerobic, strength and stretching exercises top the list of most popular sp trainings in my country. I think it's becat altogether they help people burn fat, buily muscles, improve flexibility and perfect heart and lungs health.

What sports do you like?

What sports do people in your country like to play?

What was your favourite sport when you were young?

Did you do any sports when you were young?

What are your favourite sports?

What sports help people stay healthy?

Oh, Iam really fond of playing tennis as it is one of the most dynamic sports requiring _my total involvement. It encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun and is a great stress reliever which makes it even loveable.

Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

Yeah, I love watching sports programs on TV cause it's a lot more comfortable than doing SO at a stadium. First of all, a cozy seat or couch is much better than a cheap plastic seat with minimal legroom. And you're not standing in long lines for food and toilet like you do when you watch it at a stadium. Plus,I can watch a game with the sound off or I can turn down the volume if 1 don't want to hear crowds cheering as well as stadium or arena music. What's more, I know that some people go to the game and then watch it on TV after they get home because they feel they miss too much being there as there's no replay,

Well, I enjoy watching live sports games with my father and brother as it brings us closer to each other. Plus, we have a really good time together with food, beverages and entertainment all in one place. And of course, it also makes the game much more special for the three of us.

Do you like sport?

Do most people in your country like sport?

Oh yeah, I do as it's the only way for me to release stress and improve my general health What's more, it's my favourite way to make friends and enjoy social interaction. So, definitely yes!

Well,I guess yes as sport helps people stay in shape and in some cases even find a purpose in life. Moreover, playing sport makes life more interesting_ and filled with positive emotions cause sports communication brings fun into everyday routine. So, yeah, I am more than sure that most people in my country like it

What benefits do you think sport can bring us?

Well, a lot of them, actually. The first benefit sport can bring us is feeling more energetic and, as a consequence, increasing our quality of life It also gives people a lot in social and academic sense by teaching to achieve goals, developing discipline and strategic thinking and, as a result, by increased success in life.

Do you like extreme sports?

Oh yeah,I do. Extreme sports help me overcome my fears, expand my_personal boundaries and develop physical courage, which develops my self-affirmation as a person and helps me handle physical threats in life.

Who is your favourite sports star?

Oh, undoubtedly, it's Roger Federer. He is the greatest men's tennis player of all time. Llove the way he plays tennis: the movement, the timing, everything is just perfect. I also admire his impeccable manners and remarkable patience in dispensing his many obligations in everyday life. For me, Roger is memorable and never to be repeated.