
i. How often do you ride bicycles?

Well, I ride bikes often enough. In warm weather I do it even day by day because cycling increases my strength, balance and flexibility as well as burns calories and releases the level of stress. Unfortunately, I do it really seldom on weekdays because there are too few cycle lanes in my city, which makes riding a bike in the city difficult enough. But I catch up on cycling at weekends when I get a chance to go to the countryside.

ii. Is it difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?

I guess it is. It's really hard to learn balancing and steering. It also takes time to become good at starting and stopping a bike. Added to everything else, it's not easy to adapt to falling while learning cause it's really painful.

iii. Is it popular to ride bicycles in your country?

I would definitely say it is. Riding a bike is the easiest way of workout which is good for heart and keeping body ft. It also gives people a sense of satisfaction and freedom. One more reason for it to be popular is the fact that it's the cheapest possible way to get from point A to point B.

iv. When was the last time you used your bicycle?

The last time I rode a bicycle was just a little while ago, either last Saturday or Sunday. I was in my countryside house and found out that there were no tea sweets so I took my bike and went shopping to the supermarket.

v. Do you think a bicycle is very convenient for people to use?

Absolutely. It provides people with more ways to get somewhere, helps them find new places lets them save money. Moreover, it helps people take care of their health by letting them breathe fresh air, gain more energy and, as a result, feel better.

vi. Will you teach your children to ride a bicycle?

For sure 1 will. Learning to ride a bike will_ give children a sense of accomplishment, teach them to try their best and never give up as well as give them a sense of freedom. Moreover, cycling will increase children's coordination and balance skills, introduce basic traffic rules and develop situational awareness.