29.Cities, countryside

1.What makes a city a good one to live in?

Why do people still like living in cities despite there are traffic jams?

What facilities does your city have?

How do people choose a city to live in?

What are some factors that attract people to settle down in some places?

Oh, a lot of factors, to my mind. The ones I consider the most important for life are affordability, I mean housing expenses, the prices for consumable goods, the price of petrol, utility services, taxes and stuff like that, and accessibility, appearance and amenities, that is the presence of the airport, train and bus stations, good transport links, a number of educational institutions, a wide array of recreational facilities, shopping malls, park and gardens and, of course, hospitals. I also add good employment opportunities low crime rates to my priority list, oh, and the climate as well.

2.What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city?

Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside?

Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

Oh no! Not until I retire! I'm only 25 and dreaming of a high-flying career, but I'm afraid that living in the countryside will leave my career in tatters. Besides, I'm a very active and sociable person, so I think I will be bored to death being deprived of an active social life and abundance of entertainment options a big city provides.

Well, this isn't what I'm dreaming of. I'd rather say I don't mind swapping city life for a rural idyll. I'm tired of the constant rat race and I'll definitely enjoy a slower pace of life. Also ' want to live in a house with multiple roo garage and swimming pool which is obvious. not possible until I move out of the city.

3.What changes usually take place in cities and towns?

In my opinion, nowadays cities undergo constant changes. Many of them turn from small peaceful towns into large bustling cities. Some cities even become twice as large as they used to be. This means that now they can boast improved infrastructure, more places to visit and things to do as more and more facilities become available for people day by day. Also, the general quality of the city landscape improves, so cities become way more beautiful than in the past. For instance, many ancient buildings are restored and modern ones constructed. Therefore, cities turn into remarkable tourist attractions. Overall, I'd say the majority of cities change for the better, though there can still be issues with public transport and heavy traffic on roads. Cities become a lot more crowded. There's more traffic, and therefore more pollution.