26. Holidays

Can you describe your perfect holiday?

Of course I can. It's the one with my significant other somewhere at a forest holiday resort for at least a week. It's the time when we would enjoy the beauty of intact nature, have some spa treatments and just spend guality time with each other

Which do you prefer, to spend time on a beach or have excursions in a City?

Well, in my case it always depends on how tired Lam and what mood 1 have. If l'm exhausted, l'l definitely opt for a beach vacation in order to relax, reduce stress and induce sleep as well as spend time in the sun breathing in healthy sea air, which will improve my sense of physical and emotional wellbeing. But if l'm not that knocked-up, I'1I give my preference to going sightseeing in some new city as this kind of holiday will broaden my horizons, help me gain new experience and create memories for lifetime.

What was the best holiday in your life?

Well, I guess it was a last year road trip around X that my husband and I went on for the first time in our lives. We really enjoyed it as we visited lots of beautiful towns, secluded villages and ancient churches along the way. What is more, we tasted so many great dishes and drinks that were completely different from what we'd ever tasted before. It was the best holiday 'cause we came back home relaxed, happy and full of energy. Oh, and also because we brought lots of memories which warm our hearts in evervday routine