28. Place that is good for people to live in

Describe a place that is good for people to live in

You should say:

what place it is

how you know this place

what it is like

The place I'm gonna tell you about is Hong Kong. I visited it years ago. But I remember no sooner had I arrived there than I felt that it was the place where I should have been born. And since that time I have never felt at home anywhere as much as I do in Hong Kong. What's amazing is that whoever comes there instantly feels comfortable too. So I think this is the place I can recommend people to move to.

In my opinion it's a truly unique place that has its own character and emotional pull. When people generate an image in their heads of what Hong Kong looks like, they envision a concrete jungle. They imagine movies with famous skyscrapers dominating the skyline. Yeah, this is true that there are lots of skyscrapers here. But actually it's the biggest misconception about Hong Kong 'cause almost 65 percent of its territory is parks, beaches, and mountains. And there are lots of amazing hiking trails. I just love that. Plus, there is a lot of busy city life going on here, day and n It's a wonderful place for young active people like me. Some people say that it's great for visiting, but too expensive to live in. In factHong Kong IS one of the world's most expensive places to live in. Despite this, it's one of the most heavily populated cities in the world. Nearly 7,5 million people live here. So if almost 8 million people can afford to live there, many other people including me would be able to live there is too.

Since the population is very dense, it is very common for apartment buildings to have forty floors and for apartments to be very small. That's probably the only thing that makes mo upset, but I'm used to it. I think that this something people can put up with.
