
i. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?

Yes, I've been to a place where there were lots of fish around me. During one of my trips, I visited the Dubai aquarium, which is the 10-million-liter Dubai Aquarium tank located on the Ground Level of The Dubai Mall. It's one of the largest suspended aquariums in the world, so you can only imagine how many fishes there were around. During one of my trips, I visited Plitvice Lakes National Park, which is the largest national park in Croatia. As I explored the park, I saw crystal-clear streams filled with trout,. There were so many trout that I could barely see the water. I'm not kidding. There were literally more fish than water. Yes, I've been to a place where there were lots of fish around me. Once 1 had a trip to the Great Barrier Reef, and the underwater world was teeming with colorful fish of all shapes and sizes because coral reefs are known as important gathering places for many different species of fish and other marine creatures. Yes, I've been to a place where there were lots of fish around me. Once I visited a beautiful coral reef while snorkeling in the Maldives, and the underwater world was teeming with colorful fish of all shapes and sizes. It was incredible experience.

ii. Is fishing popular in your country?

Yes, fishing is quite popular in my country. We have many lakes, rivers, and coastal areas which make this activity possible because without these water bodies, there wouldn't be any fishing. Plus, there's a strong fishing culture here, with plenty of fishing tournaments and events happening throughout the year. No, fishing isn't particularly popular in my country. We have limited access to suitable fishing spots, and it's not a widely practiced hobby or industry here.

iii. Do you like eating fish?

Oh, absolutely, I enjoy eating fish. In my view, it's one of the healthiest foods out there. It's OW in fat but packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. And 1 really appreciate its aroma and flavor. Plus, someone told me it's a food that helps people sleep better at night.

iv. Why do people go fishing?

Well, I guess just because they are hooked on it. Fishing is a really enjoyable thing to do as it lets people unplug, lowers anxiety and instills a sense of calm. It's also a great way to spend quality time with friends or family members who they share this hobby with. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that it's a perfect way to keep fit without doing any exercises as fishing engages the shoulders, back, _arms, core and legs. I mean it's almost the same as doing static yoga postures.

v. Where can you see fish?

Well, I guess in almost any place where there is water. I mean rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, seas and oceans. And, of course, in aquariums.