27. Relax

What do you do when you have days off?

When I have days off, Ilike to spend time with my family. We might go for a hike or have a picnic in the park, or we might stay at home and play games or watch movies together. It's a great way to bond and create memories

When was the last time you had a few days off?

The last time 1 had a few davs off was during the Christmas holidays. I took a break from work to spend time with my family and enjoy the festive season. We had a lovely time decorating the house, cooking delicious meals, and exchanging gifts. It was a much-needed break from the stresses of work, and I came back feeling refreshed and rejuvenated

What do you do to relax?

Oh, my relaxation methods usually depend on my mood. Sometimes I give my preference to doing_yoga, meditating and stretching to relieve muscle tension. Other times I choose pampering myself with a health spa, beauty treatment or a good massage. There are also cases when I just need to meet my friends or spend time with beloved ones to relax. Very seldom I opt for such rest as working_out in the gym, dancing_or going_shopping. In the evenings I prefer such nice ways to relax as taking a bath, cuddling with a pet, getting fresh air and listening to favourite music

Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?

Well, no doubt it is as sport is always fun, which is a good way to relieve stress and reduce depression. Sport decreases tension and worry in the body and mind, improves cardiovascular function and, as a result, helps people feel more energetic, relaxed and happy So yeah, it's a great way to relax, to my mind.

Do you think vacation is a good time to relax?

Of course, it is, I'd even say that it's the only time for people to turn off their 'working self and just enjoy those activities which help them refresh their mind and body from the stresses of their daily life. I'm more than sure that time away from work is critical to an employee's wellbeing as it lets them catch up on sleep, lowers their anxiety and gives them a chance to do whatever they want and need to feel refreshed and inspired

Do you think students need more relaxing time?

0h yeah, they do as good mental health is essential to good learning. Regular relaxation can help students' concentration, achievement,attendance, behaviour and general health and wellbeing as it reduces stress and tension, improves memory and recall, develops imagination and creativity and promotes_positive thinking, which is of primary importance for good academic results,