30. Studying, jobs

1. Which is more important when choosing a job, high salary or interest?

I'm sure that nowadays most people expect to have a varied and interesting career. It seems to me that they aren't ready to do something boring eight hours a day, five days a week that will make them count the minutes, waiting for the working day to end. Today's people value their life time so much that won't hesitate to change a job if they feel bored. What's more, many young adults live with their parents. So they don't have to pay for accommodation and food. And, unlike their parents, they don't want to buy an apartment or car. They prefer mobility. Also, nowadays many people don't have families and children until the age of 30, so having a stable job that pays well is no longer a priority. All these facts make me think nowadays people aren't as motivated by high salaries as people several decades ago. Feeling happy at work is far more important to them.

2. Is it better to study in a group or individually?

I think studying in a group is much better as, firstly, it is more affordable than one-to-one classes, but at the same time it is not less efficient. Further, there's competitive spirit that forces everyone to study hard regardless of the circumstances. Even when students are tired they cannot let themselves skip doing homework because they don't want to be worse than their groupmates. One more advantage is that group lessons have far more energy than one-to-one classes due to interaction between group members

3.What subjects are more practical to learn nowadays?

What subjects do most young people prefer to learn?

Well, definitely such traditional subjects as Maths, English and Science and a few ground-breaking subjects like Budgeting, Negotiating and Stress Management. Maths is very important, to my mind, as everything in the world involves maths or numbers in one way or another and there is no way that it can be avoided. English is essential as it's the world's international language oral and written knowledge of which opens up a world of job opportunities as well as lets people feel comfortable abroad. Science is the essence to everything. It demonstrates to people how things work and why they do so, and teaches them to use factual information, which is of primary importance nowadays. Budgeting is the first step to personal financial success and security, Negotiating is a prime platform for delving into creative and critical thinking, managing personal relationships and strengthening professional partnerships, Stress Management is key to maintaining good health, productivity, happiness and success as well as helping students cope with the serious risks of anxiety disorder and depression. These are the most vital subjects nowadays, to my mind.