3. Home Decoration

1. Can you describe the place where you live?

What kind of housing accommodation do you live?

What do you like about your flat?

Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

I would rather choose blue for my bedroom as it is believed to guarantee the best night's sleep by reducing heart pressure and heart rate. However, I would balance it with warm hues for furnishings and fabrics.

2. What can you see from the windows where you live?

I would avoid stimulating colours, for instance, large splashes of red and yellow or sharp contrasting colours such as black and white. This is because my bedroom should be a place of peace and tranquility rather than a stimulating environment.

I would advise against too much black as it will make me feel on the low side or even depressed. Similarly, I would try to avoid red because I will never have deep sleep or possibly have trouble falling asleep as it is not an easy bedroom colour to relax.

3. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

My dwelling is a one-room minimalist-style flat. I guess if I buy one more piece of furniture, there won't be enough room to swing a cat in my flat. There's a wardrobe with wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling mirrored sliding doors. Were it not for this wardrobe, my room would have got bogged down by clutter. Regrettably, this wardrobe has become a clutter hot spot itself, but all the disarray is inside so nobody sees it. There is also a wall-mounted flat-screen TV and a bed.

What do you like about your flat?

What I particularly like is that it reflects my personality, so I feel really comfortable being at home. Also, it gives me the feeling of stepping into a safe, personal refuge.

4. What would you like to change in your flat?

What do you dislike about your flat?

Unfortunately, as I live in a huge industrial city, every time I look out of the window, I see nothing but concrete jungle. As I live in a house, I have a very nice view of the river and forest from the window. It's especially beautiful at dawn and at dusk.

What would you like to change in your flat?

I would like to breathe more life into it by hanging some paintings on the walls or putting a potted plant on the window sill.
