3. Thing you want to replace

Describe some thing that you own and want to replace

You should say:

what it is

why you want to replace it

what you need to be able to replace it

Sample Answers

At the moment, I'm looking for a new phone as my current one is driving me crazy.

The main problem is that the touch screen has almost stopped working properly as I accidentally dropped the phone several times. It survived the first fall with only minor damage, but the second one appeared to be almost fatal. At first glance, it looks normal. However, if you look closely, you see that the glass face shattered, but the lines are so thin that they can't be seen with the naked e Therefore people roll their eyes as I tell I want to replace my phone. Well, sometimes everything works well, but sometimes, at worst possible time, the touchscreen s responding to the touch gestures. And that makes me mad.

Another reason is that my phone's battery is on its last legs. It dies halfway through the day and I constantly have to recharge it. Again, it dies when I need it the most.

But, to be honest, even if everything was fine. I would like to upgrade to some new mo because new models usually come with increasingly advanced and cool features. I want to consider several options before I make up my mind. Now I'm thinking of Samsung Galaxy S23. It's super expensive. And that's the only reason why I can't buy it right now. In January, Samsung released its latest model, the Galaxy S24. And this means that the price for S23 will inevitable fall. I just have to wait a little until the price drops and, while waiting, I have to set aside some money each month.