
i. Did you laugh a lot recently?

Oh, I burst out laughing this morning because I saw a hilarious photo of my friend in his feed on Instagram. The expression on his face was so funny that I just cracked up with laughter even though I was on the bus when I saw that photo.

ii. What made you laugh recently?

Well, I laughed because of some silly joke my daughter told me a day or two ago. I can't recall that joke now, but I had a really good laugh together with my kids.

iii. Do you often make people laugh?

iv. Are you good at making people laugh?

Well, at least, I try to do it whenever 1 see they need to relax a bit. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but I never stand aside when I see that someone is in a bad mood.

v. Do you like movies that make you laugh?

Oh yeah, I do... as they let me turn off my brain and redirect my attention from routine, which helps me relieve the stress. What is more, they lighten my mood_ and refresh me, which, in turn, has immense influence over my mental and physical relaxation.