32. Free time activities

1.Do you think nowadays people have a better work-life balance than in the past?

How do people balance life and work?

I'd say they do as nowadays the world offers so many different ways to work and study that sacrificing personal life looks more like a mindset than a real problem. A lot of present-day employers do their best to help their employees have a good work-life balance by offering flexible work hours, the ability to work from home, improved overall workplace experience and opportunities for professional growth and social connections. So, even if many people are doing more work these days, it's only because it allows them to earn more money and live their lives to the fullest. What's more, at this day and age, fewer people have false expectations that they can have a lot of free time and earn a lot of money at the s time, which has helped them define what lifestyle they really want to have and enjoy, sticking to it feeling satisfied and happy.

2.Do you think that people today have more leisure time than people in the past?

Do people have enough time for leisure activities nowadays?

Definitely not, to my regret. The world is changing too fast and people have to work more and never stop learning something new to keep up with its pace. Life is getting more and more competitive and in order to survive and be successful people sacrifice a part of their leisure time spending it on developing new skills and fulfilling their potential. As a result, they work unlimited hours in contrast with people in the past who worked from 9am till 6pm spending the rest of their time on family and relaxation.

3. Which sports do you think most young people like to do?

Oh, I would say all kinds of ball games. People in my country are fond of football because it has simple rules, can be played just with a ball almost anywhere, is very entertaining to watch and play and very short which makes viewers actively involved in the game from the beginning to the end. There are also a lot of basketball and volleyball fans. Basketball can be played with 5 or more friends all at the same time and provides a whole lot of fun. Volleyball is very aerobic and athletic and attracts people with its strategy. These days there are also lots of people in my country enjoying tennis which is one of the most dynamic sports requiring total involvement of its players. Tennis encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun and is a great stress reliever which makes it even more loveable.

4.Is it important for people to have a break during work or study?

I believe it's crucial because we aren't robots and our brain and body cannot work nonstop maintaining the same levels of productivity. If we don't don't take enough breaks, the only likely outcome is a burnout. So taking a break can serve as a so-called system reboot after which you will feel rested and energetic and you will continue doing what you did.