
Is it easier to take pictures now than in the past?

Is it difficult for people to learn how to make good photos?

Oh, no doubt it is. I'd even say it's never been easier or cheaper to create good quality photographs. The proliferation of digital point and shoot cameras, mirrorless cameras and smartphones has made photography easier than ever 'cause you don't really have to do anything special or change any specific settings to take a photo. The camera adjusts all of the settings on its own. Firstly, the autofocus function saves photographers time and makes focusing more accurate. Another feature really worth mentioning is auto exposure. You don't have to worry about nailing the exposure as almost all cameras and smartphones have auto exposure settings. You don't have to worry about nailing the exposure as almost all cameras and smartphones have auto exposure settings. Finally, in the past photographing at dusk was out of question as cameras 20 years ago did not have good, or any, low light performance. Now we don't have such restrictions. So we can take pictures whenever we want to. What's more, now we can view photos right after we've taken them. Taken all together, absolutely anyone nowadays can take great photos without having any special skills or talents. So yeah, it's really easier to take pics now than in the past.

Do people in your country like to take photos ?

I would say our life is full of wonderful but fleeting moments, and it's impossible to travel back in time to re-live them. So if it weren't for photos, we wouldn't be able to freeze these moments so that we could enjoy them later at any given time. This is why people attach so much importance to keeping pictures. It's also easier to describe what you did and why you liked or disliked something. For example, when you come back from holiday, it will take hours to describe what exactly you saw there, but photos will tell a story much more quickly and with many more details.

Is it a waste of time to take pictures with mobile phones?

What do people use to take photos these days, cameras or phones?

Well, I'd say both yes and no. It can be regarded as a waste of time if people want to create professional-looking photos that they can be proud of as, unfortunately, smartphone photos usually have low picture quality compared to those made by professional cameras. But it isn't a waste of time if people need photos for sharing with friends on their social networks and in all kinds of messengers. Above that, smartphones make it easy for people to take photographs and capture memories irrespective of where people are and without special training thanks to phones' auto-focusing, auto-metering and easy-to-use cameras. To sum up, I wouldn't say that taking smartphone pictures is a waste of time, except those cases when people need professional-looking photos.