6. Numbers

1. What's your favourite number?

Oh, my favourite number is definitely number 1 as, first of all, it speaks of new beginnings and fresh starts, and, secondly, because my ambition has always been to be number 1. I like this number so much that it has already become not only my favourite but also my lucky number. If I meet this number somewhere, I know that something good will happen to me soon. It just can't be otherwise.

2. Are you good at remembering phone numbers?

Unfortunately, I'm not... despite the fact that I train my memory to memorize important phone numbers, dates, etc. I guess the main problem stems from my overdependence on the smartphone. My brain just doesn't want to get crammed with the information someone or something else can memorize for it

3. Do you usually use numbers?

Of course, I do. I do it daily like other people, for example, when I tell the time, enter the password to start using my email or when I just count money to pay for something in the shop. I can't imagine anybody's daily routine without dealing with numbers, frankly speaking, as we have to use them even when we just look for the needed TV channel or try to find some specific page in the book.

4. Are you good at math?

Well, I'd say I am as I have a real knack for math which makes it very simple for me to prove and understand different math concepts. What is more, I had a great math teacher at school, which also helped me become quite flexible with numbers.