36.Al, talents

Have you ever had any experience with things related to Al?

Have you ever used Al-based technology?

Yeah, I've been using several Al-related tools since they started. One I use a lot is Gamma. It's an Al tool that makes presentations for you, literally at one click. This Gamma app made my work so much easier. You know, I create presentations all the time. And I used to spend a lot of time and sometimes money on creating decent ones. Now I get things done a lot faster. All I need to do is finalize a presentation and make some edits. It's like magic. Plus, I often use Chat GPT. It's an Al tool that talks like a human. I use it when I need to brainstorm ideas or generate written content such as emails, articles, posts or stories. Also, I've tried Mid journey, an Al-based image generator. You write a prompt and it generates an image based on your text descriptions.. I did it simply because I was curious. And it was super fun. And, of course, I've used numerous Tiktok Al filters. I mean those that transform real-life footage, photos and videos, into visual effects such as augmented reality masks, animated overlays, and various artistic filters.