36. feel proud

Describe something you did that made you feel proud

You should say:

what you did

how you did it

how difficult it was

why you are proud of it

Well, it's probably difficult to believe, but last year I knocked off X kilos in about 6 months, and this is what I'm still enormously proud of. I have to confess... I used to be a very lazy girl who loved fast food and hated sports. And at that time I was so slim that I didn't even think that one day being overweight would become my number 1 problem. So when I realised that I'd put on X kilos, I decided to lose weight and get fit, no matter what.

And so it began. I started I exercising daily. I went jogging in the mornings and I walked in the evenings. Also, I ditched junk food and stopped buying snacks, which I couldn't live without. I started sticking to a diet. You know, no sweets, no rice, no cheeseburgers and French fries. Nothing. Only salads, vegetables, fruits and plenty of fluids. I ate only healthy food and drank a lot of water daily. I cooked foods in healthier ways such as boiling, baking and stewing. I read somewhere that it is to have a few light meals instead of one meal. So I followed this advice too. I cont.....d this practice for six straight months. As a result, I lost more than X kilograms.

Now I'm not only as slim as I used to be, but I'm also fit enough. And I'm genuinely proud of my achievement. I should say it was hard to change my habits, my diet and my lifestyle, and at some point I was about to give up because all those activities were really time consuming. But I didn't, thank God, though I was facing a lot of difficulties. Another thing that makes me feel inordinately proud of myself is that I achieved great results without anybody's help. I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what with myself. This is something I never try. I could do. You can't even imagine how much effort I put in achieving this result. I would say I was fighting the battle of my life. And now won