38.Role models, idols, famous people

Is it important for children to have a role model?

You know, there is an adage that says 'a picture is worth a thousand words', which means it's easier to show something than to explain the same thing. Plus, observing a role model in a real-world scenario often carries much more modeling weight than being given a talk about something that should be learned. I know from my own experience that telling is one of the least effective methods for training and teaching children. So when children have a positive role model, it's easier for them to engage in constructive actions like the person they look up to and pick up good habits that could last a lifetime.

What sorts of people are famous in your country?

How do people become famous?

Well, I guess, first of all, successful people, those who have achieved something others dream about. They don't necessarily need to have some outstanding accomplishments but they should definitely have luxury lifestyles and often appear in public. Famous people in my country are often very lucky. They make sensations and this way attract even more attention to themselves. They are also very charming and charismatic with rather recognizable image, excellent network and big dreams. They know what they want and take steps to get it. They are always confident, enthusiastic and action-oriented, which appeals to the public and makes them iconic.

How do people become famous?

Oh, in a variety of ways nowadays. Some of them discover or invent something important, something that makes lives of other people easier, for example, a Petcube, an interactive pet camera that lets people see, talk to and play with their pets while they are at work or on vacation. Others become famous for their outstanding accomplishments in various sciences and spheres of life. There are also people who win fame only because they do ridiculous things and get involved in scandals or because they break stereotypes doing something others only dream about. It's an opportune time for gaining fame and anyone can distinguish themselves by doing something exceptional.

Are there any differences between the people who were famous a few years ago (e.g., 10-50 years ago) and the people who are famous today?

Oh, definitely yes. A decade and more ago people could become famous only for having outstanding accomplishments, contributing in various spheres of life or doing something really incredible and unbelievable. They had to work hard in order to gain expertise and excellence and only then got a chance to win fame. Nowadays, people can gain fame only for their private lives and the image they try to project. They can attract attention to themselves by showing their naked bodies on TV or the Internet, dating a celebrity or appearing in TV shows. At present fame is more connected with luxury lifestyle than with achievements as it was in the past, and that's the main thing that makes fame today different from that of 10 to 50 years ago.

What good qualities do famous people have?

Oh, all famous people definitely have a charisma, a recognizable image, a high self-esteem and perseverance. Fame doesn't come one day, it is usually a result of big dreams, a particular vision and very hard work. Famous people are also usually very curious, trying to find answers to all types of questions, risk-taking, I mean being afraid of nothing on their way to fame and success, and, of course, emotionally committed to everything they do. I guess these are the main positive qualities famous people share.

What qualities do famous people have in common?

Oh, all famous people definitely have a charisma, a recognizable image, a high self-esteem and perseverance. Fame doesn't come one day, it is usually a result of big dreams, a particular vision and very hard work. Famous people are also usually very curious, trying to find answers to all types of questions, risk-taking, I mean being afraid of nothing on their way to fame and success, and, of course, emotionally committed to everything they do. I guess these are the main qualities famous people share.