38.Weather (Climate) that you like

Describe your favourite weather (type of climate)

You should say:

what kind of weather it is

what you usually do during this weather

how this weather affects your mood

why you like this type of weather

I particularly like when it's sunny and pleasantly warm outside. I mean when it's already warm enough to go out without having to pile on the layers of clothing, which make me look like a marshmallow, but not boiling hot when everything around gets sticky and you sweat all day. I really like warm days of early autumn and late spring when the temperature is about 20 degrees above zero.

When it's neither hot nor cold, spending time outdoors is more fun. For example, I like being able to have a coffee at a table outside. Also, walking in the park or in the forest is my thing, again, not in the blistering heat. Such weather is great for picnics with family and friends, fishing, hiking, and playing different outdoor games. But I wouldn't say that the weather has a significant impact on what I do. I guess it's more about what I feel.

When it's sunny and warm, I feel optimistic and energetic. I'm full of plans and ideas. Even if somebody or something makes me upset, I quickly forget about it as soon as I feel sun on my face.