39.Development in your city (shop, leisure facilities, etc)

Describe a new development in your city (for example, a shopping mall or leisure facilities)

You should say:

what it is and where it is

how long it took to complete it

what you think of it

In my city shops spring up like mushrooms, but almost all of them aren't even worth mentioning because of their poor range of goods, poor service and exorbitant prices. The only recent development that made my life much easier is a hypermarket that opened several months ago.

Actually, there is one more big-box store in my city, the one where I used to do all my shopping, but it is situated on the other end of the city, so it took me way too much time to get there and back. This one is also located on the outskirts of the city, but it's much closer to my home, which is really convenient and saves a lot of my time. The only thing that makes me upset is that it occupies the territory which used to be a football field.

Like all hypermarkets, it sells a lot of different types of goods from toothpaste to household appliances and provides consumers with all the goods they require, under one roof. What I particularly like is that it has a huge variety of products that I just haven't seen anywhere else. At the same time, whatever I find there is going to be affordable. I recently got a T-shirt for $2 where I would have paid more than $5 elsewhere.

I also have big savings on products that I buy in bulk, for example, bottled water, kitchen paper, washing powder and many other things like these. Also, product categories are well organised so that I can find different items I'm looking for in one location. What's more, they keep complementary products in proximity so I don't have to go around the shop several times. Oh, I nearly forgot, it's open round the clock, so I can go there after work on week days, thus, I don't have to make time for shopping at weekends. Instead, I spend more time with friends and family. I'm really happy that now I can do shopping much faster and spend much less money than before.