11. Sharing things

1. Do you think kids like to share?

Oh, I don't know if all kids like to share, but most of them definitely do it with pleasure. For example, young kids, as I've noticed many times, possess a strong and consistent willingness to share their toys with their peers, maybe because they have a strong tendency to cooperate. As for older kids, I wouldn't say that they have a reflexive desire to share but they willingly cooperate with others when their parents and teachers offer positive reinforcement every time kids share something important for them with others. So, I guess kids, for the most part, like sharing.

2. Do you like to share things?

Well, yes... but only if I do it based on my personal choice, and if it happens on my terms, for example, if I know that people will only use these things at times. And if I'm sure that they will take good care of them..

3. When you were a kid, did your parents encourage you to share things with others?

Oh yeah, they did. When I was a kid, my parents often told me that sharing is a basic component of human interaction which can help me make and keep friends, and play cooperatively. Moreover, when I shared my toys or sweets with other kids, they gave me lots of praise and attention. So I can say that my parents did their best to inculcate in me a positive attitude to sharing.

4. Have you ever shared anything with anyone?

Well, plenty of times, actually. I often share books and textbooks with my classmates. I shared a bicycle and a computer with my brother when I was younger. Well, and I from time to time share cosmetics with my mom. So yeah, I've done it a dozen times.

5. What do you think of shared vehicles?

Well, car-sharing seems to be a good idea as it saves money spreading attached costs such as monthly payments, maintenance, parking, petrol and insurance costs among several people. One more advantage it has is the fact that it helps reduce traffic congestion and wear and tear on the roads. Though, at the same time it takes some tolerance and consideration from each party as it entails tricky scheduling, which can be irritating.

6. Is there anything you don't want to share?

Well, I don't want to share my finances. I prefer to have my own budget and know what amount of money I can rely on. I also don't want to share my personal stuff like underwear as it's mine and only mine. And I don't want to share any things I use very often or value a lot.