12. Staying at home

1. What do you like to do at home?

Well, it depends on whether I stay at home alone or with my family. When I am at home alone, I adore to cook something yummy, eat it and read either some book or magazine. When I am at home with my family, I really like engaging in conversations with my beloved ones and speaking about life issues interesting for all of us.

2. How much time do you spend at home?

Well, almost no time, to my regret, just a few hours before and after sleep. It's only enough to rid my mind of negative and unnecessary thoughts at the end of the day, and set myself in the right mood in the morning.

3. Do you often stay at home? Why?

Well, not often, unfortunately. Actually, I stay at home only when I want to be alone in order to reboot my brain and unwind. Or when I am exhausted and need some rest to improve my concentration and increase productivity.

4. Which do you prefer, staying at home or going outside?

Oh, I always give my preference to going outside as staying at home often makes me feel lonely and stew on toxic thoughts. But going outside, on the contrary, provides me with ample recreational activities and lets me feel relaxed and energized.