13. Morning routine

1. Do you like to get up early?

I do 'cause getting up early gives the body a chance to reach peak wakefulness naturally. And I like to have enough time to get ready for work or get my kids ready for school without rushing the process. And I believe that being a morning person is inexorably linked with success in life and business. For example, Virgin Group chairman Richard Branson is up out of bed each day at 5 am, Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 4 am. I want to be as successful as they are.

2. Is breakfast important?

Definitely, it is. Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing, for example, fills our body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast, restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function, and simply makes us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.

3. What is your morning routine?

Well, the first thing I do when I wake up is make my bed and meditate for 5 minutes. Then I work out for 15 minutes, have a shower and drink a glass of warm water with lemon. After that I quickly have my breakfast, pack a meal, snack and coffee and run to work. That's my typical morning.

4. Do you like the morning or the evening?

Well, I actually love both the morning and the evening but for different reasons. I love the morning for setting the tone for my day as well as for newness and possibilities it offers. At the same time, I always wait for the evening to unwind and reflect on my day or accomplish overdue assignments when I'm still full of energy after a hard day at work.

5. What do you usually do in the evening?

Well, in the evening I really love to take a stroll in order to exercise, get some fresh air and relax. Also, I always have dinner with my family in the evening and then spend some time either taking a soothing bath or not doing anything at all except for reflecting on my day and trying to make some plans for the next day.