42. Place where things are expensive

Describe a place you've been to where things are expensive

You should say:

what the place is like

where it is

why you went there

what you bought there

why you think things are expensive there

One of the places where I do my weekly shop sells high-priced goods. On average, each item costs twice as much as similar ones in Tesco or in any other popular chain store. This shop supports fair trade, which means it supports local farmers and offers them fair prices. I mean, unlike big chains that pay farmers very little, this shop ensures farmers get enough money to live well. Because of this, the prices in the shop are higher.

And, by the way, that's one of the reasons why 1 go there every week. I like the idea that people will get paid decently for the efforts they have put in. I'm 100 percent sure that the better people are paid, the harder they will work. You know, if a person gets paid well, they will feel happy doing their work, and this energy will influence the products produced. I want to consume positive energy rather than the energy of the sufferings of people who worked h gained little, and hated what they did.

The shop is small and cozy. It's well laid out. It's never crowded, even during peak hours. This makes shopping a more pleasant experience. The staff are friendly and always ready to help. It sells fruits and vegetables, delicious homemade bread, and many organic products. For example, the household chemicals and soap are all made from organic materials, which is good because they are better for the environment and safer for our health. Also, the quality of the products high. For instance, the fruits are never dirty.

Last time 1 bought quite a lot there, more than usual. I got flour, mince, grapes, apples, tomatoes, peppers, and eggs. I also got a big block of cheese. Plus, I bought five kilos of potatoes and some frozen sweetcorn. I managed to stock up on sweet treats for the kids, too; they absolutely love the cookies I buy there. Finally, I needed some hand wash, so I bought that as well.