6.Borrowing and lending things
Have you ever borrowed books from others?
Well, plenty of times, actually. I adore reading but, regrettably, can't afford to buy every single book I want to read. So, borrowing books is a great chance for me not to let my reading habits be dictated by my budget.
No, I've never done it as, first of all, I don't have enough time even for reading the books I have, and secondly, as I don't want to cut ties with the person I borrowed a book from in case I either lose or tear it apart.
Have you ever borrowed money from others?
Oh, unfortunately, I have, and not just once as it's the only way I know which can help me bridge cash flow shortfalls at the end of the month.
Do you like to lend things to others?
Oh no, I don't. Lending things always makes me stressed and nervous as I have a fear that other people may damage them, which will make me upset and sour our relations.
How do you feel when people don't return things they borrowed from you?
Well, I usually feel annoyed and dispirited in such situations as I hate when people break their promises or disappoint my expectations.